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Subscriber’s List

  1. Import your contacts, your e-mail addresses, with simple mouse clicks, by cut pasting, by file uploading or by connecting directly to MySQL. Keep in mind that every importation must comply with our Anti-SPAM policy.
  2. Create subscribe and unsubscribe forms and embed them on any Web page you want.
  3. Create unlimited custom fields for every list you have and save any kind of subscriber information. Use these fields to better customize your e-mails or segments from your lists.
  4. Create unlimited subscriber’s lists. Each subscriber list has their own customization, auto responders, subscribers and personalized fields, etc.
  5. Simple or double subscription: it allows your visitors to subscribe instantaneously or after confirming your e-mail address.
  6. Based on the information you have about them, segment your subscribers, and run more direct email campaigns.
  7. Create exclusion lists below each subscriber list, to exclude specific email addresses on future email campaigns.
  8. You can synchronize lists with databases from other people and keep your data up-to-date on your subscribing lists.
  9. Easily export your subscribers to CSV, TXT or XML files.
  10. Personalize the landing pages after subscribing or unsubscribing.