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First Steps

How to put PTSender to work step by step

We will help you setting PTSender, step by step

See the tour to get familiar with some terminology, click HERE play

1st Step – Set your PtSender

Start by completing your PTSender configurations. See video HERE play

2nd Step – Set your list

The name of your list must be highly suggestive, so you can identify its content. Your autoresponder and your email campaigns will resemble your lists. You should start by:

Create a List play
Set the List play
Personalized Fields play

3rd Step – Create the Autoresponder

What are the Autoresponders?

Autoresponders are emails sent automatically to your subscribers. Emails that are created and set to be sent at a certain date, day or time, after the subscription. For instance, you can send an email automatically after the registration of the subscribers welcoming them, and then, send at day 1, 3, 10, etc.

To create your autoresponder emails see the following video play

Any created email must have two versions: an html and a text version. Both have to be defined and to have the unsubscribing link, so your subscriber can quit the list. Otherwise, the email won't be saved.

4th Step – Campaigns

Campaigns are sporadic emails, that are created and sent, about a particular subject. They are not automatic, only autoresponders are. However, they can have a certain automatism, for example: you can send an email inviting people to watch your online lectures every Tuesday, Thursday and Sundays

To create campaigns see the next video play

5th Step – Creating forms to your landing pages

After having your list created, it’s ready to receive subscribers.

What are subscribers? They are contacts that have registered on your page and said, yes I want to receive your information.

Since your list is empty, you can import your subscribers from the import described in the following video play

The most important is to know that PTSender does the integration with every web page, but how?

If you use The Magnet System and you have your landing pages working, it is really simple. Just follow the video play

If you don’t:

Firstly, see the video about creating personalized fields play

Then, see the video explaining how to make a subscribing and an unsubscribing form play

6th Step - Visualize Subscribers

To have access to the subscriber’s information, on the capture pages (capture pages are pages which have the fields generated from your form; this form is generated when the website is integrated) see the following video: www.ptsender.com/pg.php?n=tutoriais_subscritores.

7th Step – Import Subscribers

Careful with importing unknown contacts, SPAM is NOT ALLOWED. See our Anti-Spam policy HERE.

Importing contacts must be done occasionally and in very specific situations.
You can import contacts that will be your subscribers, contacts that you have in another autoresponder, or contacts with whom you have a frequent relation.
Even placing the “unsubscribe” link, if the contacts you’re importing are unknown, it is SPAM and PTSender does not tolerate SPAM.

Good luck and Success

The PTSender Team